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标题: [求助] 哪位大哥能看的懂?帮忙翻译下。 [打印本页]

作者: lidazhi520    时间: 2008-7-8 10:46     标题: 哪位大哥能看的懂?帮忙翻译下。

Greetings to fans of thriXXX games!

Sequence of actions for game in the full version of '3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust' (2.055.001):

1. If any version of game '3D SexVilla' is installed on a computer it is
necessary to remove it.

2. Unpack contents of archive.

3. Using 3DSexVilla2-Everlust-Install.exe install game in any directory.

4. Place files (fc3DSexVilla.dll and fc3DSexVillaRun.EN.exe or fc3DSexVillaRun.DE.exe) from
a folder 'Loader' the given archive in a directory of game '...\3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust\Binaries\'
or '...\3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust\Bin\' if you use Vista.

5. In a folder of game '...\3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust\Archives\2.055.001\' or
in a folder 'Archives' to corresponding folder of game in
'C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Roaming\thriXXX\...' if you use Vista it is necessary
to add files from a folder 'Addon'.

6. Start game using fc3DSexVillaRun.EN.exe or fc3DSexVillaRun.DE.exe.

7. On a bookmark 'Options' if necessary make changes according to your desire and
possibilities of your computer.

8. On a bookmark 'Members' enter any Username and Password.

9. Start game on pressing button Login and enjoy!

The loader is made by FreeCoder.

Supported operational systems: Windows 2000, XP, Vista.

Release date: 11.05.2008.

刚下的3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust单机破解版游戏看不懂上面的说明特来请教各位老大。。
作者: qiu5218    时间: 2008-7-8 14:23


完整版'3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust'设置简介:

1、如果已经安装旧版本'3D SexVilla'  需要将它删除
2、解压 ---好像是解压
3、双击3DSexVilla2-Everlust-Install.exe 安装
4、如果使用vista 把文件fc3DSexVilla.dll和 fc3DSexVillaRun.EN.exe 或 fc3DSexVillaRun.DE.exe放到...\3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust\Binaries\'
or '...\3D SexVilla 2 - Everlust\Bin\目录下
5、还是vist的操作 没看懂
6、双击fc3DSexVillaRun.EN.exe 或 fc3DSexVillaRun.DE.exe.7、根据您的需要或计算机的配置 可以通过Options修改设置
9、通过现有的程序(桌面快捷方式)启动游戏 好好玩
支持xp 2000 vista
作者: jiaolang    时间: 2008-7-8 16:11

作者: xiaoasd123    时间: 2008-7-8 16:38

我只能翻译几条而已。2楼好强啊。   厉害
作者: diablo_22    时间: 2008-7-8 16:40


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