love is a burning fire Stay,
Cause then the flames grow higher Babe,
Don't let him steel your heart
It's easy,
this game can't last forever Why ?
We cannot live together try,
Don't let him take your love from me
You're not good,can't you see brother Louie, Louie, Louie
I'm in love set you free
Oh, she's only looking to me
Only love breaks her heart brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Only love's paradise
Oh, she's only looking to me
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Oh, she's only looking to me
Oh, let it Louie
She's undercover
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Oh, doing what he's doing.
So, leave it Louie
Cause I'm a lover
cause this boy wants to gamble Stay,
love is more than he can handle, girl
Oh, come on stay by me
forever, ever
Why does he go on pretending that
His love is never ending Babe,
Don't let him steel your love from me
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Oh, she's only looking to me
Oh, let it Louie
She's undercover
Brother Louie, Lou
唱腔特效处理教人联想起Cher年度畅销曲"Believe"的"I'm Gonna Be Strong",以情绪高昂的招牌合成器乐打造出失恋人士的专属舞曲;旋律美得教人落泪的"Don't Make Me Blue"与"Blue Eyed Coloured Girl",则是安慰失恋情伤的绝佳配方。慢版抒情曲"You're Not Lisa"叙述对早逝恋人的怀念与惋惜;沾染美国嘻哈风情的"Summer In December"生动地传达了在寒冷冬日中火热如炎夏的恋情;穿插了狂放吉他间奏的"We're The Children Of The World"则是极具正面励志意涵的阳光作品。 作者: 新浪001 时间: 2011-3-30 20:51