






先手推荐来自amos lee的(colors)

这首歌來自同名專輯《Amos lee》,簡單的旋律,卻又帶著浓浓的情感。Amos Lee,乐坛的一個新名字,Amos Lee,音樂之路起始於西元1995年,當時正就读于南卡羅來納大學〈University of South Carolina〉英文系。Lee在學校裡遇到了許多志趣相投的朋友,開始彈吉他、唱歌並写歌。后來,Lee有幸擔任如Bob Dylan、B.B. King等巨星演唱會的开場,並在西元2004年受邀担任小天后Norah Jones欧洲巡回的暖場乐手,其優異的表現也讓Lee獲得了成為Norah Jones師弟。師姐Norah Jones在首軌《Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight》中替Amos彈鋼琴,在第七軌的这首《Colors》更替他合音。綜合來說,Amos Lee的音樂十分诚恳,風格與Norah Jones類似,歸類於民謠較合適


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Yesterday I got lost in the circus (昨天,我迷失在马戏团里)

Feeling like such a mess (感觉那样混乱)

Now I\'m down I\'m just hanging on the corner (到现在,我失望的心依然绻缩在那角落中)

I can\'t help but reminisce (不得不与回忆相伴)

When you\'re gone all the colors fade (没有你的时候,所有的颜色都失去了光彩)

When you\'re gone no New Year\'s Day parade (没有你的时候,新年都看不见欢乐的人群)

You\'re gone (你走了)

Colors seem to fade (颜色都失去了光彩)

Your mama called she said that you\'re down stairs crying (你妈妈来电话说,你正在楼下哭泣)

Feeling like such a mess (感觉那样混乱)

Yeah I hear you you\'re in the background bawling (是的,我仿佛听到你在背后大声叫着)

What happened to your sweet summertime dress (你的那件可爱的夏衣怎么了?)

I know we all, we all got our faults (我很清楚,我们都犯了错)

We get locked in our vaults and we stay (我们彼此陷入其中而不能自拔)

But when you\'re gone all the colors fade (但是,没有你的时候,所有的颜色都失去了光彩)

When you\'re gone no New Year\'s Day parade (没有你的时候,新年都看不见欢乐的人群)

You\'re gone (你走了)

Colors seem to fade (颜色都失去了光彩)

Colors seem to fade (颜色都失去了光彩)

Yeah (是的)

二手推荐来自Hawthorne Heights的(Decembers)

2001年夏,Hawthorne Heights成立于美国俄亥俄州的Dayton,最初的乐队名为A Day In The Life。这几位年轻人最初的梦想就是成为职业乐手,发行自己的专辑。随着乐队成员以及音乐风格的固定,Hawthorne Heights终于在2003年和芝加哥的Victory唱片公司签约。经过四个星期的录制,Hawthorne Heights乐队的首张录音室专辑《The Silence in Black and White》终于在2004年面世。随着乐队不知疲倦的巡演,《The Silence in Black and White》成为Victory公司所发行过的处女专辑中最畅销的,其中的单曲《Ohio is for Lovers》也开始在电台热播,而乐队去年在英美举办的多场演出也均是爆满。2006年2月,Hawthorne Heights发行第二张专辑《If Only You Were Lonely》,创纪录的排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第三位。同时,《If Only You Were Lonely》还在Billboard排行榜中的独立专辑榜和摇滚专辑榜中成功登顶,是乐队从组建到目前为止的最好成绩。


下载地址  http://music.static.360quan.com/audio/be/25/a9/be25a99a939c60ca4e11f7c2baf9f2e0.mp3

[ar:Hawthorne Heights]

Hawthorne Heights

Let's try to remember these days back in December.
Our lives were very different
I was lonely when we first met.
A small upstairs apartment
driving through the darkness
to get back home before they knew you were even gone.

You dont have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat.
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a drink.
You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love.
I always know i'm not enough to even make you think.

Please slow down girl.
Were moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.

I miss you so much
]a self inflicted comma
The days drag on like marathons,
I'm running with barefeet.
And when I feel the stress
I'm lonely and depressed.
]you wore four weeks ago.

You dont have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat.
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a drink.
You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love.
I always know i'm not enough to even make you think.

Please slow down girl.
Were moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.
I know it hurts to feel so all alone.
I'm by myeself
more than you could know.

If only they were all alone,
they were all alone.

Please slow down girl.
Were moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.
Please slow down girl.
Were moving way too fast for their world.
We've gotta make this last.

I know it hurts to feel so all alone.
I'm by myeself
more than you could know.

If only they were all alone,
they were all alone.
they were all alone.

三手推荐来自Eliza Gilkyson的(Paradise Hotel)

时间是距离。 延伸的铁轨是距离。 无话可说是距离。 想见不能见是距离。 沉默是距离。 流着眼泪不发出声音是距离。 安静望着车窗外的马路行人是距离。 电话里是距离.

这首歌是Eliza Gilkyson在2005年的同名专辑《Paradise Hotel》里的主打歌。她的父亲是上个世纪50年代非常有名的民谣歌手兼作曲家Terry Gilkyson,所以Eliza Gilkyson也算是女承父业了。凭借04年的唱片Land of Milk and Honey获得了葛莱美奖的提名。作为一个民谣歌手与创作者,Eliza Gilkyson的这张专集做的非常成功,外界评价也非常高,AMG更是给出了四星半的好评。


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Paradise Hotel

sailing cross the seas
pursuing sorry ships don't know they're sinking
holding on until all hope is gone
focusing my eyes on distant stars so far away they're blinking
on and off and on and off and on
but the bird in my hand is promising paradise

venture forth from cave
to conquer everything that's moving
pleasure never really lasting very long
roller coaster ride the lows the highs
feels like you're grooving
though it's on and off and on and off and on
and the bird in my hand is promising paradise
all the actors in your play will do their part
and go their way
or dance as long as you will pay
but she will never fly away
man behind the curtain
pulls the levers for the sheep
for me tonight there'll be no sleep until the dawn
neon sign from paradise hotel across the street
is blinking on and off and on and off and on
and the bird in my hand is promising paradise

四手推荐来自Buddy的( 11/22)

这首歌选自今年6月份新专集《Alterations and Repairs》里的一首歌,Buddy自创的wimpycore风格,知道的人恐怕不多。插画风格的专集封面很是可爱漂亮,主唱慵懒的嗓音加上悦人的旋律,窝在家里听还真是享受,整张专集让人愈听愈喜欢。


下载地址   http://224.cachefile3.fs2you.com/7d3e/zh-cn/preview/8642f8d6575f607362b81e1233992edc/preview.wma

Strangle your hold
Don't let me go
Until I want what you want

Pray for the strength
(To) keep it in place
Promise to God you won't

I've got faith in you to lose yours in me
Like you say though before you go
"I should probably be letting you go"

Acting the part
(Was) never that hard
Memorize the lines on your face now

I've got faith in you to lose all of mine
Like you say though before you go
"I should probably be letting you go"

We know things always happen for no reason at all
You say though before you go
"I should probably be letting you go"

I've got faith in you to lose yours in me
You say though before you go
"I should probably be letting you go"
Well, I should probably be letting you go

来自The Cranberries的Dying in the sun

表面看《Dying In The Sun》是以一个恋人的口气唱出来的,纯爱情歌曲。但是它决非简单的恋人的诉衷。正如Cranberries一贯的主题一样,它带着爱尔兰人苦涩的人生体验与对和解独特的理解和阐述。《Dying In The Sun》用爱尔兰人忧伤的目光传达了塞尔维亚人迷惑、仇恨、焦虑和期盼的神情。而这恰是它的主题所在。歌中反复吟唱着那句“Like dying the sun,like dying in the sun。”是无望中的人最绝望最无助的声音—不知所措—无力还击—Like dying in the sun~Like dying in the sun.


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Do you remember the things we used to say?(还记得吗?那些我们曾经说过的事)
I feel so nervous when I think of yesterday(一想到昨天我就如此的不安)

How could I let thing get to me so bad?(为什么那些事情令我如此神伤)
How did I let things get to me?(为什么它们在我脑海)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样)
Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去)
Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去)
Like dying~ (逝去~)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样)
Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去)
Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去)
Like dying~ (逝去~)

Will you hold on to me (扶住我好吗?)
I am feeling frail (我感觉如此脆弱)
Will you hold on to me (扶紧我好吗?)
We will never fail (我们永远不离不弃)
I wanted to be so perfect you see (我曾经想要变得像你眼中的那样完美)
I wanted to be so perfect(想要变得如此完美)

Like dying in the sun (就象在阳光下逝去一样)
Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去)
Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去)
Like dying~(逝去~)

六手推荐来自Elie Semoun的(La minute de silence)

这首《La Minute de Silence》 是Elie Semoun和瑞典人气天后 Lisa Ekdahl丽莎爱克妲合唱的。 Lisa Ekdahl是继ABBA、 羊毛衫合唱团之后, 瑞典乐坛的一股新势力。 丽莎的外貌妩媚动人, 歌声却有如雏燕般稚气清澈自然, 透着本色的天真和童稚, 加上性感爵士的唱腔,暧昧的声音 , 无处不散发着女性的魅力, 令人闻之倍感怜惜。


下载地址   http://224.cachefile7.fs2you.com/7d3e/zh-cn/preview/6cc5ca5bde00ce7e4d9afd41d7fe08cf/preview.wma


Où est passé le temps
Que je passais à penser
A vous ? à vous.
Où sont passés ces songes
ces jolis mensonges   
D’amour ? d’amour.
Une minute de silence  
Pour les amours évaporées   
Une minute de silence   
Pour les amants séparés  
Soixante secondes   
Dans le tourbillon du monde  
Soixante secondes  
Où s’en vont ces amants ?  
Leurs promesses hélas
S’effacent s’effacent.
Où s’en vont ces amants
Leurs promesses hélas
S’effacent s’effacent.


七手推荐来自Lene Marlin(琳恩·玛莲)的(A place nearby)

认识琳恩,发现听歌原来这么简单。管它什么歌词、什么成长,只要拥有一个播放器,只那么简单一点,它就能抚慰你的心灵。它会不着痕迹地把你尘封的往事一并勾起,让你的眼泪自由自在地滴落脸庞;同时,它也给你力量,让你在沉静中明白,再痛再伤也不过如此,当痛过伤过,一切也就如清风扫过。难过低落时,听一听琳恩,她会帮你找回勇气;情绪亢奋时, 听一听琳恩,她会让你沉静;不管走到哪里,听一听琳恩, 她会载你到一个波澜不惊的真实世界。


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I entered the room
Sat by your bed all through the night
I watched your daily fight
I hardly knew
The pain was almost more than I could bear
And still I hear
Your last words to me.

Heaven is a place nearby
So I won't be so far away.
And if you try and look for me
Maybe you'll find me someday.
Heaven is a place nearby
So there's no need to say goodbye
I wanna ask you not to cry
I'll always be by your side.
You just faded away
You spread your wings you had flown
Away to something unknown
Wish I could bring you back.
You're always on my mind
About to tear myself apart.
You have your special place in my heart.

Always heaven is a place nearby
So I won't be so far away.
And if you try and look for me
Maybe you'll find me someday.
Heaven is a place nearby
So there's no need to say goodbye
I wanna ask you not to cry
I'll always be by your side.

And even when I go to sleep
I still can hear your voice
And those words
I never will forget





八手推荐来自Alison Krauss的(It doesn’t matter)

演唱者Alison Krauss 是当今美国兰草音乐的领军者,“兰草音乐”(Blue Grass)  
因Alison 这样优秀兰草歌手的不断革新,使兰草音乐焕发出更为迷人的气质,作品逐渐挤  


下载地址    http://lily.yon.com.cn/lily/attachments/month_0701/b2007127121645.mp3

It doesn’t matter what I want.不必在乎我需要什么  
It doesn’t matter what I need.不必在乎我渴望什么
It doesn’t matter if I cry.如果我哭了 别担心
Don’t matter if I bleed.即使伤心欲绝 别难过   
You’ve been on a road.因为 你已上路   
Don’t know where it goes or where it leads.就算不知从何而来又将去向何处  
It doesn’t matter what I want.不必在乎我的向往   
It doesn’t matter what I need.不必在乎我的渴望    
If you’ve made up your mind to go.如果你心意已决  
I won’t beg you to stay.我不会成为你的羁绊    
You’ve been in a cage.打开禁锢的牢笼   
Throw you to the wind you fly away.掷自己于青空 远飞在风中    
  It doesn’t matter what I want.别驻足 尽管我那么向往      
It doesn’t matter what I need.别回头 尽管我那么渴望    
It doesn’t matter if I cry.如果我哭了 别担心    
Doesn’t matter if I bleed.即使心如刀割 别难过      
Feel the sting of tears.让我感受泪水的灼热

来自图茨·蒂勒曼斯(Toots Thielemans)的(Moulin rouge 思乡)

“爵士口琴第一人”图茨·蒂勒曼斯(Toots Thielemans),是比利时人。他是欧洲爵士音乐家中最顶尖的大师之一,曾于20世纪60年代在丹麦首都哥本哈根这一欧洲爵士乐的大本营发展多年,在那儿录制了不少唱片。 图茨吹奏的口琴质感宽厚,有一种琥珀般幽黄的色泽,温和隽永,委婉多情,而且很有叙述性,使男女间的细微情感交流纤毫尽现。他的演奏就象是一根珠线,把情节和各种音色有机地“串”在一起。除了丰富的切分和变奏,尼尔斯的低音提琴和罗勃的电钢琴还分别有一段淋漓酣畅、非常过瘾的SOLO,音色上分别靠近男中音和女中音,就象是情人间的情话。


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希望大家喜欢.记得回复哦 多多支持.谢谢拉

[ 本帖最后由 necromancer_AX 于 2008-6-6 21:06 编辑 ]




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